Vasectomy Reversal
Most men undergo a vasectomy as a permanent form of birth control. Sometimes life's circumstances change and now are considering vasectomy reversal.
Vasectomy reversal is a procedure to reconnect the vas deferens after a vasectomy. The medical term is a vasovasostomy (reconnecting the vas deferens) or an epididymovasostomy (reconnecting the vas deferens to the epididymis). This procedure is performed utilizing an operating room microscope. The sutures used are as small or smaller than human hair. It is performed as an outpatient under general, spinal or local anesthesia. Patients can go home the same day.
When looking at vasectomy reversal, success is looking at patency rates (creating a new channel for sperm to flow through) and pregnancy rates. Just because you have patent (open) channel does not guarantee a pregnancy. Several factors can influence a successful reversal procedure such as the time interval from the vasectomy, the level of obstruction whether in the vas deferens itself or in the epididymis, and the skill of the surgeon. Generally, the longer time out from a vasectomy has decreased patency and pregnancy rates. Usually, men less than 10 years out from their vasectomy have better chance of success. Sometimes there are clues before and during surgery that can help predict success as well.